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Wellbeing Overview

At St Gabriel’s, we believe that each person’s wellbeing is nurtured through experiences of belonging,
building relationships with others, being accepted and valued and by being positvely and actively engaged
in the community. We acknowledge the importance of providing opportunities for all members of the
school community to develop an awareness of their wellbeing and responsibilities and a commitment to
becoming valuable members of the global community. We believe in the importance of implementing
prevention and intervention strategies which promote positive behaviour within the school.

St Gabriel’s school implements the Whole School Approach to Positive Behaviour Support (WSAPBS) as an
overarching structure to facilitate positive wellbeing. WSAPBS aims to develop positive behaviour through
critical thinking, active involvement in making choices and taking responsibility for our choices and actions.
A positive behaviour approach supports teaching and learning environments so that the academic
outcomes of students are maximised. This provides a structure and process for school communities and
classroom operations so that positive social culture is established.