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Our school provides a comprehensive curriculum for all students encompassing the development of skills, attitudes, values, knowledge and understandings.

The Victorian Curriculum F–10 sets out what every student should learn during their first eleven years of schooling. Our curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for life-long learning, social development and active and informed citizenship. In addition, our Religious Education curriculum meets the needs of school, family and parish communities in evangelising students and helping them realise the beauty, the power and love of faith in Jesus Christ.


We have a strong emphasis on Literacy in our curriculum. The acquisition of skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking are vital to all other areas of learning.

Each class devotes a daily block to literacy and parents are encouraged to become involved in the classroom activities.

Children are taught the skills of English and how to use these in a variety of ways for different purposes. We encourage children to think critically about what they hear, read and view.


Our aim is not only that the children be skilled in literacy, but that they use their skills for enjoyment and with confidence.

Our Foundation - Year 2 classes complete the InitiaLit Program. InitiaLit takes a holistic approach to literacy instruction incorporating instruction in systematic synthetic phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension. It provides teachers with an explicit and effective model for teaching reading and related skills and allows for a consistent approach across year groups from Foundation to Year 2. The first three years of schooling are critical when it comes to learning how to read and write. For this reason, it is highly desirable to implement a quality, evidence-based program that uses consistent language and teaching methodology across all three years. This ensures literacy content is carefully sequenced, integrating new content with opportunities for revision. 

Other structured literacy programs within the school include Spellex, Spelling Mastery, and intervention programs. 

 Toe by Toe, Targeted Reading Groups, and individual 1:1 Literacy support sessions. 


At St Gabriel's we recognise that Mathematics has connections in most human activities and we consequently strive to help children see the real-life applications of mathematics.

The content of our Mathematics program is drawn from the Victorian Curriculum and all classes from Foundation to 6 schedule 5 hours of maths learning each week.

The students engage in mathematical activities which foster exploration, discovery, creativity and independent and creative thinking.

Mathematics is taught in a variety of ways. The use of aids and concrete materials is vital to the development of sound skills and concepts and continues through Foundation-6 depending on the topic and needs of the children. Games, open-ended tasks and rich questioning is frequently used to investigate, practice or reinforce a particular concept.

Inquiry Curriculum

Inquiry Curriculum involves the children in active inquiry learning.

Through hypothesizing, investigating, and interpreting findings, the children develop skills leading to a greater understanding of the societal, physical, technological, and natural world they inhabit.

Concepts for each Year level are drawn from the following Victorian Curriculum areas:

  • Science
  • Geography
  • Civics and Citizenship
  • History
  • Economics
  • Health & Physical Education
  • Digital Technologies
  • Design and Technologies

We address the four capabilities (Critical and Creative Thinking, Ethical Thinking, Intercultural Awareness, and Personal and Social Capability) in an integrated manner through our inquiry questions. In this way, we can better prepare our students to become lifelong learners and effective members of their globalised society.