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Newsletter 6 - Term 2 - Week 2 - 29th April, 2021
Principal: Mrs. Roslyn Joyner
Dear Parents/Carers,
I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter break and we welcome you all to term 2. It is timely to remind everyone that it is now a requirement for students to wear winter uniform.
On Tuesday of this week we had an audit visit from the Infectious Disease Control Unit who are auditing many schools on a random basis, including state, independent and Catholic. Whilst our
current procedures are satisfactory it is still very important that the school community adheres to them.
Parents are permitted and welcome on the school grounds, keeping socially distant from others, however, only staff and students are permitted in the classrooms. If for example you are attending parent teacher conferences or such then you must sign in and it would be held after school/classroom hours or in a separate office. Students and staff who are ill should not attend school until symptoms have passed. This is requires for any illness. Apart from that there should be no reason for parents to enter the classrooms at this stage.
Year 5 students went off happily to their camp at Phillip Island all reports are glowing about the venue and our students are having a wonderful time.
By the time the next newsletter is written Naplan will have commenced for Year 3 and 5. Please remember that this is just a snapshot of your children’s achievement in a particular area on a particular day. We do not wish for any child to be under pressure about performance. I am sure you will agree that there has been enough pressure on everyone including our children over the past twelve months. There are many ways that you can help them relax about doing this assessment.
I remind for parents to adhere to the parking by-laws in the streets surrounding St Gabriel’s. If there is a yellow line on the curb you cannot park there. Also signage is up indicating where you can and cannot park.
We look forward to a great term ahead.
Best wishes
Roslyn Joyner
Athletics - TDPSSA (Traralgon District Primary School Sports Association)
On Tuesday 30th March 67 students from St Gabriel’s from Yrs. 3-6 competed in the TDPSSA Athletic Carnival held at Harold Preston Park. The weather conditions were perfect for competitors who showed great determination and skill whilst the spectators enjoyed watching all the talent from the Traralgon District community on display. Overall St Gabriels finished in second place behind St Michael’s and only 20 points separated the two schools. All the St Gabriel’s Relay teams in both the boys and girls U9-10. U 11 and U12-13 have made it through to the next level of Championship called the Division. The Division Athletic Championship is scheduled for Tuesday 31st August in Term 3 at Joe Carmody’s Reserve in Newborough. St Gabriels also had a good number of students who will compete in individual events also. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate all the athletic students on the outstanding attitude towards competing and including their behaviour and sportsmanship on the day. A special thank you to Brooke Aitken and Bryanna Misfud for supervising the students and Donna Morley who managed the shot put event on the day. A big thank you to Heather Haney and Melinda leech for helping set up the school Gazebo and equipment on the day. I thank all the parents who supported their children on the day offering encouragement and support. I finally leave the biggest thank you to Troy Villani for opening up the equipment sheds at 6.50am in the morning at Harold Preston and setting up the field and track events for the day. Thank you for your amazing support. It is greatly appreciated by all the sports coordinators of the Traralgon District Primary School Sport Association.
Netball News
On Saturday March 27th, 12 stuents from St Gabriel’s students attended the Collingwood Magpies Netball Clinic held at the Moe Indoor Recreation Centre. The girls were taught a range of netball skills based on their age group in attack, defence and goal shooting from the elite Super Suncorp players. The players were fantastic role models for the girls and were very encouraging both on the court and afterwards with question time, signings and photo opportunities. All the girls who attended had a lot of fun and loved how supportive the athletes were.
Cross Country - Monday 3rd May
Last week at school we held the school cross country events in 3 different age groups and next Monday 3rd of May, 36 students from St Gabriel’s will compete in the Traralgon District Primary School Sport Association Cross Country. This year the event will be held at Agnes Brereton Park. The first event will commence at 10.00am with the Under 12-13 age group running first followed by the Under 11 and 9-10 age group. The event is expected to be finished by 12.00pm. The students received information yesterday regarding this event with the permission slip attached. Students are to return this notice by Friday 29th of April. If parents are available to assist at the cross country on the day as a field marshal can you please contact Mr Hogan via email on As this is a Primary School Sport Victoria Event anyone attending will need to register at the event due to CO-VID regulations. People will be asked to scan a barcode on entry.
Senior Swimming Program - Yrs 3-6
The school senior swimming program will commence in week 6 for the students from Yrs 3-6. The first lesson will be held on Monday 24th May. Details of this swimming programme will be sent home next week. The Ford Swim Centre will be conducting the school swimming program. We are extremely lucky to have such talented and qualified people run our school swimming program. Parents will also be required to complete a swimming survey about their child. This survey will be attached to the swimming notice next week.
Winter Round Robin Sports Competition - (Yr 5-6)
On Wednesday 19th May the students in Yrs 5-6 will compete in the Traralgon District Primary School Winter Sports Competition. The students will either participate in Soccer, Netball, T-Ball, Hockey and AFL football. The school will require some adults to coach the following teams - Soccer and Football. If you are interested in coaching one of these teams could you please contact the school as soon as possible or email myself at any time. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Regards Damian Hogan
Sporting News
If you have sporting news that you would like included in the school newsletter please email Mr Hogan at and I will forward your photos and article onto Mrs Couling at the front office.
A reminder that 2022 Prep Enrolments are now open. Enrolments forms are available at the school office or via our website. If you would like to book a tour of the school please contact the school office on 5174 5515.
Scholastic Bookclub orders are due by Friday 7th May, 2021. Please order via the Scholastic LOOP.
If your child is interested in playing netball in the Saturday competition to be held at Agnes Brereton Park home of Traralgon Netball Association, Mr. Hogan will be handing out forms to interested students during the sports session. Forms are also available at the school office. If you have any questions please contact Jennifer Van Der Velden on 0438 177 069
Last Friday forms were sent home with students from Australian Dental Service, Victoria. If you would like to be included in this program please complete the form and return to school as soon as possible. This is not compulsory and families can OPT out. The dental van will visit in Term 3.
Signing children in and out of school
If your child needs to leave early, or has an appointment, then parents must sign in when they return/arrive. A note must be supplied to the classroom teacher so that they are aware of why the child is leaving and they can then record the absence. If your child is unwell to speed up their recovery by not allowing your child to return to school until they are fully recovered.
School Photos envelopes need to be returned as soon as possible
School photo envelopes were distributed to all students. Parents can either order online or enclose money and return all envelopes to St. Gabriel’s classroom teachers ASAP. Family photo forms are available at the school office. School photo day is now Tuesday 18th May.
Parents and Friends Meetings
Meetings—the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm
Do you want to know what is happening in your school? Would you have anything you could contribute? We invite you to come along to our Parents and Friends Meeting held the second Tuesday of the month in the staff room at school. The meeting starts at 7pm. All parents, new and old are warmly welcome.
School Lunch Orders
Monday orders are to placed in classroom tubs first thing Monday morning.
Wednesday orders are collected Tuesday afternoon for Wednesday delivery at lunchtime
NOTE: Please write clearly on an envelope the child’s name and grade and the item they wish to order. Correct money only will be accepted.
St Gabriel's Uniform Shop
The St. Gabriel's Uniform shop operates Tuesday 8.15am - 9.30am and Thursday from 2pm - 4pm. Order forms are available at the school office if you are unable to attend the uniform shop during these times.
The Uniform Shop is located at the rear of the school hall off the hall foyer.
Thank you so much to all our students and families! Our Casual Clothes day has raised $473.00. In addition to funds already raised through your generous support of our "Be More" campaign, our school has raised a total of $810.35 to support the work of Caritas Australia. Well done everyone!