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Newsletter 5 - Term 1 - Week 10 - 1st April, 2021
Principal: Mrs. Roslyn Joyner
Dear Parents,
As we come to the close of another term I would like to thank you for support and patience as we transitioned into the new “covid space” this year. Listening to the news today I realised that with the events in Queensland unfolding we cannot really be sure about anything quite yet. As a school community we have managed to come together when possible with safeguards in place. This will continue into next term and we just need to help each other through the processes.
Unfortunately we have had a lot of sick children coming to school. Please remember that if your child shows any symptoms such as sore throat, fever, runny nose, coughing etc, they must stay at home until the symptoms have gone and they are well. Also many children are getting picked up from school early. Children should be in attendance at school for the whole day unless there is a good reason such as a medical or dental appointment requiring them to be withdrawn from class. This is a legal requirement and the roll is marked in the afternoons as well.
We welcomed back the Year 6 students and teachers from Sovereign Hill camp last week. Even though there was rain they all enjoyed themselves and we were grateful that they got to go! Thanks to all staff who attended and Ben Watson for his assistance.
Last Thursday we farewelled Hollie Evans our Education Support Officer who has been working in Prep. We thank Hollie for the hard work, patience and love that she brought to the Prep rooms and wish her well for the future.
I wish to remind everyone that students transition to winter uniform in term 2. The uniform shop has cotton/polyester school jumpers in stock for those who prefer this option to the woollen jumpers.
As we begin Holy Week it is important to remember the events that led up to Easter Sunday and what that means for Christians all over the world. Jesus is alive and with us today.
I wish everyone a peaceful but joyous Easter and a refreshing break.
Best wishes
Roslyn Joyner
District Athletics - Tuesday 23rd March
Tuesday 30th of March the Traralgon District Primary School Association held their Annual Athletic Carnival. A number of students from Yr 3-6 will competed in this athletic competition.
Most Improved Athlete of the Year - Jerzey Podmore
Most Disciplined Junior Athlete - Oliver Zammit
Junior Athlete of the Year - Archie Aitken
Intermediate Athlete of the Year - Dempsey Podmore
Age Group Awards:
Under 6 Girls - 2nd Billie McNulty
Under 6 Boys - 1st Leo Aitken
Under 7 Boys - 1st Oliver Zammit
Under 8 Girls - 1st Maleaha Ahuiriri
Under 8 Boys - 1st Jerzey Podmore, 2nd Archie Aitken
Under 9 Girls - 1st Aayla Villani
Under 9 Boys - 1st Ethan Cook, 2nd Cooper Zammit, 60% award Dean Z
Under 10 Girls - 60% award Devana Winnell
Under 11 Boys - 1st Belkey Podmore, 2nd Dempsey Podmore
School Sports House Team results
1st Brigid 1313, 2nd Tullow 1290, 3rd Delaney 1220, 4th Patrick 1190

Year 6 student, Macie Vitale, was recently graded to her brown belt - black tip in Tae Kwan Do, making her the youngest junior to grade to a senior level in the whole of Victoria. Congratulations Macie! What a wonderful achievement!
Sporting News
If you have sporting news that you would like included in the school newsletter please email Mr Hogan at and I will forward your photos and article onto Mrs Couling at the front office.
Reminder to all our families at St. Gabriel's that DAYLIGHT SAVINGS CONCLUDES on Sunday 4th April. Households need to turn their clocks back ONE HOUR
ANZAC badges will be sold from Wednesday 10th March. Badges will be sold for $1.00 and $2.00 and ANZAC wristbands will be sold for $3.00. All monies raised will go to the 2021 ANZAC appeal. When you donate to the ANZAC Appeal, you are showing our veteran community that they are not alone. Every donation is changing the life of a veteran in need.
If you hold a Pensioner, Concession or Health Care Card you can apply now for CSEF.
If you have applied for CSEF in 2020 you need NOT apply as your details will be submitted in 2021. If you have obtained a Pensioner, Concession or Health Care Card in the last twelve months, are a NEW family to our school or you have a Prep student commencing in 2021 or have a 2020 Year 6 student exit the school please contact the office on 51745515 or email Sue at or visit the office and we can explain the process.
Signing children in and out of school
If your child needs to leave early, or has an appointment, then parents must sign in when they return/arrive. A note must be supplied to the classroom teacher so that they are aware of why the child is leaving and they can then record the absence. If your child is unwell to speed up their recovery by not allowing your child to return to school until they are fully recovered.
School Photos
School photo envelopes were distributed to all students. Parents can either order online or enclose money and return all envelopes to St. Gabriel’s classroom teachers ASAP. Family photo forms are available at the school office. We still require the envelopes to be returned. We will organise the admin and organisation of the event so we are ready on the day. School photo day is now Thursday 18th May.
Parents and Friends Meetings
Meetings—the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm
Do you want to know what is happening in your school? Would you have anything you could contribute? We invite you to come along to our Parents and Friends Meeting held the second Tuesday of the month in the staff room at school. The meeting starts at 7pm. All parents, new and old are warmly welcome.
School Lunch Orders
Monday orders are to placed in classroom tubs first thing Monday morning.
Wednesday orders are collected Tuesday afternoon for Wednesday delivery at lunchtime
NOTE: Please write clearly on an envelope the child’s name and grade and the item they wish to order. Correct money only will be accepted.
St Gabriel's Uniform Shop
The St. Gabriel's Uniform shop operates Tuesday 8.15am - 9.30am and Thursday from 2pm - 4pm. Order forms are available at the school office if you are unable to attend the uniform shop during these times.
The Uniform Shop is located at the rear of the school hall off the hall foyer.
Nutbush Mania
Three weeks ago, every student at St Gabriel’s participated in a ‘flash mob’ dance at the Monday morning assembly.Teachers were unaware of the student’s weeks of training in secret with Performing Arts teacher Mrs Leech.
Mid assembly the music was turned up loud to Tina Turners ‘Nutbush City Limits’ and the entire school broke out into the famous dance.
Nutbush Challenge
Over the last two weeks students have enthusiastically been rocking it out in the Nutbush Challenge. At any given time if the music plays over the speakers the school has had to stop what they are doing, join with their class and teacher and dance to the Nutbush. Classes have marked themselves on team work, encouragement and participation. The Nutbush has brought many laughs and excitement around the school in term 1.