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Dear Parents,
I hope you all enjoyed the extra long weekend and managed to get out in the sunshine. On Friday the staff participated in a professional development day facilitated by Tracey Ezard, a well known speaker who works with organisations nation wide. We have worked with Tracey on previous occasions and continue to strive to build a strong collaborative learning culture. This will benefit every child in the school.
After some unexpected changes we were finally been able to settle on dates for the athletics carnivals. The senior carnival will be held on Tuesday next week, the 16th March, and the junior carnival Prep–Year 2, will be held at the school on Wednesday 17th March. My apologies for the changes but they were unavoidable. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us and we can all enjoy both days. I ask that no more than two members from each family are in attendance, that social distance is respected and that on both days you sign in with the QR code provided.
We congratulate our students who will be celebrating the sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time, next week, across Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings.
Next Friday 19th March it will be Ride to School Day. We encourage students to either ride to school or walk to develop their fitness and road safety awareness.
Best wishes
Roslyn Joyner
Latrobe Division Swimming Championship - Wednesday 24th February
On Wednesday 24th February, 22 swimmers from St Gabriels competed in the Latrobe Division Swimming Championships at Moe outdoor pool. All the swimmers were inspired by the perfect weather conditions and also with the opportunity to represent their school in a sporting competition again. All the students displayed excellent sportsmanship and outstanding behaviour on the day. All 22 swimmers from St Gabriels will now compete in the Regional Swimming Championship to be held at the Sale Aqua Energy Leisure Centre on Thursday March 11th. St Gabriel’s have qualified for the 9-10 Girls Freestyle relay, 9-10 Boys Freestyle Relay, 11 Year Girls Freestyle relay, 12-13 Girls and Boys Freestyle relay and Open Girls Medley Relay. Also a number of students will compete in individual events of Freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly. On behalf of the school I would like to congratulate all the swimmers and wish them the best of luck at next week’s championship. A special thank you to Laura Kurrle, Emily Couling, Brooke Landels and Emma Marino who were given official duties to carry out at the event
St Gabriel’s Athletic Carnivals
On Tuesday 16th of March the Senior Athletic Carnival Yrs. 3-6 will be held at Harold Preston Park from 9. 30am until 2.00pm. The senior students will receive a permission notice and details of the event today for you to sign and return back to school. On the notice you will also find details of assistance that I will require on the day including setting up Gazebos and being an official at an event. If you are available to assist please check the times on the note that you are available to assist and return to school at your earliest convenience. There are new regulations that need to be still followed due to COVID-19. All parents entering the Senior Athletic Carnival will need to scan a QR-Code that will be placed on tables as you enter Harold Preston Park, as best we can social distancing of 1.5 metres stills apply. There will be a clear entry and exit points for parents who are collecting their children at the end of the carnival to take them home. As per normal parents must sign out their children with their classroom teacher on the day. On Wednesday 17th of March the Junior Carnival Prep-2 will be held at St Gabriel’s School. This event will start at 9.15am and conclude at 12.00pm. The students will take a notice home next Tuesday 9th March detailing this event. The house captains and selected Yr 5-6 students will assist Mr Hogan in running this event on the day. I will require parental assistance in setting up the activities in the early morning. Please check the permission notice for details. Any parents attending the Junior Carnival will need to complete a School Entry Declaration and wear a Visitors sticky tag. Again parents will need to scan a QR-Code and as best possible social distance from one another of up to 1.5metres.
Sporting Achievements
Ivy and Zoe Crawford both participated in the Rokeby Twilight Trail run on Saturday 26h February. They both ran through very hilly bush land. They said they felt very tired at the end of their 1 kilometre run but felt elated in achieving their goal of completing the course. Ivy finished in first place overall. On Sunday 27th February Ivy and Zoe Crawford, Harry and Ruby Kurrle participated in the kids triathlon at Churchill. All of them enjoyed the experience even though they didn’t place in the event.
Last Wednesday 24th February the following nine students from St Gabriel’s: Noah Harle, Layla Young, Grace Cunningham, Luke Mainella, Jesse Mainella, Lexi Schroeter, Peyton Schroeter and Amali Bates competed in the Interschool Equestrian Event held by the Stratford Pony Club at Maffra. St Gabriel’s P.S. came third over all whilst Amali Bates was in a composition team from other schools but represented St Gabriel’s herself and her team came 4th overall. Noah Harle from Grade Prep was the champion rider for the Prep age group. Amali had a fall off her horse during the competition but showing great courage she continued riding for her team earning valuable points. After the competition Amali was taken to hospital and was given the all clear for any broken bones. Her mum was very proud of her determination on the day. All the students competed in a variety of events on the day including: handlers, obstacle course, jumping just to name a few. The students had a great day and they said their horses were well behaved on the day. On behalf of the school I would like to congratulate the students on their outstanding achievement at the Inter school Equestrian event.
National Ride2School Day - Friday 19th March
Over 350,000 students across Australia are set to ride, scoot, skate or walk to school on Bicycle Network’s National Ride2School Day on Friday 19th March. National Ride2School Day is Australia’s biggest bike riding party and the peak of the Ride2School program which works to help children get their 60 minutes of daily exercise by riding a bike to school. Bicycle Network General Manager of Public Affairs Anthea Hargreaves said that National Ride2School Day is a great time to start going to school the healthy way. St Gabriel’s Primary school is encouraging as many students and adults to ride to school on this day. Mr Hogan will greet the students at the bike shelter shed for a photo and give away stickers. For more information visit
Congratulations to Sammie Grumley and her partner Justin on the early and safe arrival of baby Jack. Both Mother and baby are doing well.
Our deepest sympathy to the Reid family (Mrs. Amanda Reid) father who passed away on Sunday. To the Matthews family (Harrison 1 green) on the passing of his Grandfather. To the Coulthard family (Archie, Ceili and Sian) our deepest sympathy on the passing of their grandfather. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the families during this sad time.
ANZAC badges will be sold from Wednesday 10th March. Badges will be sold for $1.00 and $2.00 and ANZAC wristbands will be sold for $3.00. All monies raised will go to the 2021 ANZAC appeal. When you donate to the ANZAC Appeal, you are showing our veteran community that they are not alone. Every donation is changing the life of a veteran in need.
If you hold a Pensioner, Concession or Health Care Card you can apply now for CSEF.
If you have applied for CSEF in 2020 you need NOT apply as your details will be submitted in 2021. If you have obtained a Pensioner, Concession or Health Care Card in the last twelve months, are a NEW family to our school or you have a Prep student commencing in 2021 or have a 2020 Year 6 student exit the school please contact the office on 51745515 or email Sue at or visit the office and we can explain the process.
Signing children in and out of school
If your child needs to leave early, or has an appointment, then parents must sign in when they return/arrive. A note must be supplied to the classroom teacher so that they are aware of why the child is leaving and they can then record the absence. If your child is unwell to speed up their recovery by not allowing your child to return to school until they are fully recovered.
School Photos
School photo envelopes were distributed to all students. Parents can either order online or enclose money and return all envelopes to St. Gabriel’s classroom teachers ASAP. Family photo forms are available at the school office. We still require the envelopes to be returned. We will organise the admin and organisation of the event so we are ready on the day. School photo day is now Thursday 18th May.
Parents and Friends Meetings
Meetings—the second Tuesday of every month at 7pm
Do you want to know what is happening in your school? Would you have anything you could contribute? We invite you to come along to our Parents and Friends Meeting held the second Tuesday of the month in the staff room at school. The meeting starts at 7pm. All parents, new and old are warmly welcome.
School Lunch Orders
Monday orders are to placed in classroom tubs first thing Monday morning.
Wednesday orders are collected Tuesday afternoon for Wednesday delivery at lunchtime
Menu attached
NOTE: Please write clearly on an envelope the child’s name and grade and the item they wish to order. Correct money only will be accepted.
St Gabriel's Uniform Shop
The St. Gabriel's Uniform shop operates Tuesday 8.15am - 9.30am and Thursday from 2pm - 4pm. Order forms are available at the school office if you are unable to attend the uniform shop during these times.
The Uniform Shop is located at the rear of the school hall.
Australian Dental Health visit
Australian Dental Health Victoria will visit our school the week commencing September 6th, 2021. Consent forms will be distirbuted to students around week 7 term 2. Consent forms will need to be returned by week 10 of term 2